Rocket Docs
Rocket Docs is a complete and awesome Gatsby Theme for documentation websites. We've developed it to be easy to use and customize. Forget about other things and focus on what matters: writing docs.
- ⚛️ Ready for Gatsby v3;
- 📝 MDX for docs;
- 🛣 Yaml-based sidebar navigation;
- 📱 Responsive and mobile friendly;
- 🖥 Code highlighting with prism-react-renderer and react-live support;
- 🥇 SEO (Sitemap, data, Open Graph and Twitter tags).
- 📈 Google Analytics support;
- 📄 Custom docs schema;
- 🖱 Table of Contents;
- ⚡️ Offline Support & WebApp Manifest;
- and much more 🔥